So tomorrow I'm schooling the Princess pony cross country at Longwood Farm South. I'm super excited because this is my first time ever schooling cross country anywhere besides a show. I plan to school Princess one more time after this but before she actually shows a full three phase. I would like to take Malachi, but one he'd be too much work, two there is only one other person schooling with me with one horse, and three he isn't quite ready to jump anyway. But I'm contently taking Princess to say the least.
I am a little nervous about my vest if anything because it's my sister's vest, and we have quite a size difference. The vest is too tight and too short for me, but I can make it work without it looking too ridiculous. Mostly, I'm very excited. I've never jumped anything close to what these jumps claim to be in prestige or wideness. The only cross country I've ever down was down in Brooksville, Florida, and I did an Amiba class with Spyface, and it was all basically fallen logs and an occasional brush box with flowers. I'm hoping to have lots of fun with Kayln and Annie. There will be a stockpile of pictures and videos!
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